Children's Rights Conference
On behalf of the Robert F. Kennedy Youth Ambassadors in Zurich, Switzerland, it is our pleasure to invite you to our online Spring Children’s Rights conference.
In light of the current situation, the conference will be online and free of charge. If interested, please use this Registration Form.
Once registered, closer to the date, the schedule and zoom links will be shared with all participants.
We look forward to seeing and working with you to combat one of the most serious issues our modern society faces.

At the beginning of the new year, our “Speak Truth to Power” photo exhibition has also found a new home for the coming months at the Collège Sismondi in Geneva.

Having served the HRFF Zurich as education partner since 2018, we look forward to this year’s edition of the Human Rights Film Festival Zurich.

TRUMP vs BIDEN: Impact on Human Rights (Zoom Webinar)
What to expect from the outcome of the US Presidential Elections 2020? How will the outcome affect global policy and human rights in particular? Join the discussion with Paul Brandus just a few days prior to the election.
POSTPONED TO 2021 (Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland Gala 2020)
Event postponed to 2021.

Summer BBQ 2020
Our annual Summer BBQ for donors, friends & family!
Upon invitation only.

STTP - Photo Exhibit at Kantonsschule Freudenberg
We’re proud to collaborate with the Freudenberg Cantonal School, one of the largest schools in Zurich. Our photo exhibition "SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER" with portraits of national and international personalities from the world of human rights, taken by famous war photographer Eddie Adams (Pulitzer Prize 1969) can be seen at the school until March 26th.
The exhibition was opened on January 16, 2020 by Valeria Gemelli (Rector, Freudenberg Cantonal School) and Christoph A. Karlo (President, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland).
We would like to thank everyone involved, especially our lead educator Yann Lenggenhager for the great support, and our curator Guido Baumgartner for the photos.
ANNOUNCEMENT: On Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Hans Caprez (former editor of the Swiss Observer) will visit the Freudenberg Cantonal School as part of this cooperation in order to work with students to discuss the "children of the road" scandal he had helped uncover in the 1970s.
You can find more information about preparation here: https://speaktruthtopower.ch/profile/hans-caprez/
Donate here to directly support the activities and projects of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation in Switzerland: https://donorbox.org/sttp
Thank you very much!

Supply Chain & Human Rights - What Consumers Need To Know
We are hosting a panel discussion at Kosmos in conjunction with this year’s Human Rights Film Festival Zürich. The topic will be Supply Chain and Human Rights. After the panel, we invite you to join us for an apéro and lively discussion.
This event is free and open to the public, so save the date!

Hans Caprez and The Children of The Road
Hans Caprez, journalist and former editor for the Swiss Observer, hosts a talk in honor of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Please join us as we explore this dark chapter of Swiss history.

RFK Legacy Gala 2019
Our annual Gala will take place at the Quellenhof Resort in Bad Ragaz, which recently underwent extensive renovations. We look forward to seeing you there!
If you are interested in attending, please contact us directly for more information.

Gala Celebration
The annual Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland Gala will take place at the Quellenhof Resort in Bad Ragaz. By July 2019, the Quellenhof Hotel will be extensively renovated and remodeled. We are very excited to be able to host our gala at this wonderful resort this year.
Details and information for registration coming up.
If you would like to receive an invitation, please send us an email to info@rfkhumanrights.ch.

Summer Cocktail
Der traditionelle Sommercocktail der Robert F. Kennedy Stiftung für Menschenrechte im Widder Hotel in Zürich.

RFK Summer Cocktail Party
We are thrilled to host our annual RFK Summer Cocktail Party at Widder Garage this year.

Die Fotoausstellung Speak Truth To Power ist ein integraler Bestandteil des gleichnamigen Bildungsprojekts der Robert F. Kennedy Stiftung für Menschenrechte in der Schweiz. Die Ausstellung besteht aus Porträts von Menschenrechtsaktivisten, welche vom international bekannten Fotografen und Pulitzer-Preisträger Eddie Adams angefertigt wurden. Die Ausstellung wird vom 20. Mai bis 8. Juli 2019 an der Alten Kantonsschule in Aarau zu sehen sein.

Charity Gala with Kerry Kennedy in St. Moritz
A wonderful charity auction including cocktail reception and gala dinner organized by Alexandra della Porta Rodiani Productions & St.Moritz Soul.

A Charity Gala with KERRY KENNEDY in St.Moritz
An Evening Celebrating Robert F. Kennedy in St.Moritz

Art Discussion "Speak Truth to Power"
Our President, Dr. Christoph Karlo, speaks about our educational program alongside Sculptual group “Hope” by Swiss Artist Carl Bucher in Galerie Plutschow, Zürich.

Kunstgespräch "Speak Truth To Power"
Kunstgespräch “Speak Truth To Power” im Zentrum von Carl Buchers “Hope”

Speak Truth To Power @ photoSCHWEIZ19
We are delighted to be showcased at the largest photography show in Switzerland, photoSCHWEIZ19.

Speak Truth To Power @ photoSCHWEIZ19
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir mit einem Auszug aus unserem Speak Truth To Power Portfolio des Pulitzer Preisträgers Eddie Adams an der grössten Werkschau für Fotografie der Schweiz präsent sein dürfen.
Herzlichen Dank an BLOFELD & photoSCHWEIZ19 für diese Möglichkeit; an HP Schweiz & Michael Eder für die wertvolle Unterstützung in der Produktion; an Kurator Guido Baumgartner (Baumgartner & Annaheim Gestaltung) für die perfekte Vorbereitung, Zusammenstellung & Aufbereitung der Fotografien, und an Tim Bettermann für die Organisation!
Die photoSCHWEIZ19 läuft bis Montag 14. Januar in der Halle 622 und im Stage One in Zürich-Oerlikon.
Schauen Sie vorbei, es lohnt sich!

HUMAN RIGHTS FILM FESTIVAL Zurich | Reception & Cocktail
After-work cocktail at KOSMOS Klub.

SPECIAL EVENT | The Life and Legacy of Robert F. Kennedy
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s 1968 Presidential Campaign