GrowEdu is a values-based education program designed for European high school students who want to be their own heroes and add value to their communities. GrowEdu aims to offer its participants the skills and tools with which they can learn how to effectively deal with challenges in their community and how to act as an active citizen.
The core of GrowEdu is Practice, Learn, Step Up; an efficient educational model in which the participants learn through experiences and team activities, and then apply the acquired skills in some creative projects, with a positive impact in the local communities. The workshops are delivered in English by international trainers, coached by the Scoala de Valori trainer’s team and other professionals. The participants can enjoy the savor of multiculturalism and explore new cultures without leaving their own hometowns.
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland is happy to be an educational partner and to provide professional trainers for the GrowEdu Camp. There will be five training days, designed to allow participants to immerse in a virtual learning program experience.
Registration is still open: