Human Rights through the prism of art: new partnerhip with WE ARE AIA | Awareness in Art

Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Switzerland is proud to announce a new partnership with platform WE ARE AIA | Awareness in Art. Since last September, Löwenbräukunst (Zürich) has a new platform: WE ARE AIA I Awareness in Art, a project that encourages visitors to engage with current social issues through the prism of art. RFK Human Right is AIA’s new educational partner and will develop an educational program for schools around each new exhibition.

AIA works according to a unique concept where they address five core themes in their exhibitions: human rights, biodiversity, social responsibility, digitalisation and equality. They select artists that not only deal with these issues but actively engage with them.

The first exhibition presented by WE ARE AIA is titled »A Future of Many Futures« and can be visited until the end of January 2022. On display are pieces of art by five different artists. Core themes of the educational program are »gender« and »equality« and centers around the installation IS MY BODY PUBLIC? by the artist Alicia Framis. A school visit starts with and interactive guided tour through the exhibition, after which the pupils will dive deeper into the subject of »equality« through the »Speak Truth to Power« material. During the last part the class will be divided into groups to make and present their own art installation based while discussing and dealing with questions of gender. This way the pupils not only learn about individual works of art, but also hear inspiring life stories of activists and become artistically active themselves.

WE ARE AIA and RFK Human Rights are currently working on the next exhibitions which will address the human right freedom of speech and the rights of indigenous people.

WE ARE AIA | Awareness in Art @ Löwenbräukunst, Limmatstrasse 268 Zürich
Opening hours (FREE OF CHARGE):
Wednesday - Friday: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
and by appointment .

School classes can book a visit here.