Kick-off Human Rights Education Art Program

Good news! On the 21st of April the Human Rights Education Art Program had its kick-off at the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz.

Motivated students of 5 and 6 Gymnasium attended the workshop which existed of a three hour interactive lecture about art and human rights. At the end the students started to collect ideas, inspired by the stories and images from the workshop, for their own artwork related to human rights. During the workshop the students were encouraged to share their meanings and opinions about human rights. This resulted in a lively and interesting discussion about the relationship between art and the different human rights issues the students were personally interested in.

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The Human Rights Education Art Program was developed by VforArt, to accompany the »Speak Truth To Power« material and specifically the photo exhibition. It is available for all schools.

If you are interested in the Human Rights Education Art Program, please contact Mrs. Chantal van Vlijmen.