Finisssage at the Institut Montana

A succesful Finisssage at the Institut Montana in the Zugerberg, with Dr. Christoph Karlo and activist Adiba Qasim talking to inspired pupils. Since February the “Speak Truth to Power” exhibition was on display at the school and most of the 350 pupils have been working on the topic of human rights during multiple classes in different subjects. The Finissage is marking the end of this specific project - specific, because there are already plans for follow-up projects.

It is a beautiful day while driving up the Zugerberg to visit the Institut Montana. The schools looks out over the Zugersee and the magnificant view reaches all the way to the foothills of the Alps. The school was founded in 1926 in the belief that education can help make the world a better place. No wonder then, that Ms Welti, Head of the Bilingual Secondary School, was so enthusiastic about getting our exclusive photo exhibition in her school. The portraits by Eddie Adams are hung throughout the main building, most notably in the central Aula. Many of the teachers and personal are saying that they are such a good fit - both to the school and the building - and that the halls will seem so empty once they have left. It is hard arguing with this, once you see the portrait of the smiling 14th Dalai Lama in the middle of the Aula, surrounded by sunlight shining in from the flanked windows.

Today’s program starts with a speech by director Alexander Biner. He talks about the importance of human rights, speaking truth to power, the connection of the school with this subject and how grateful he is to have worked with RFK Human Rights. Next, Dr. Christoph Karlo president of RFK Human Rights Switzerland tells the audience (pupils from the Institut) why it is so important to think about human rights and their meaning both at a young age and as a citizen of a prosperous country like Switzerland.

Now it is time for the pupils to show us from RFK Human Rights and each other, how they researched human rights during the pas months. Most of them researched a specific right or activist. Some made presentations, liked these young men and their map of respect for the rights of homosexuals across the globe. While working on the subject, many pupils could simply not believe how badly (and in what atrocious ways) human rights are still violated in our world today.

At last activist Adiba Qasim, a Yazidi refugee from Northern Iraq, tells the pupils her story. About how as a girl she was unable to go to school, but always wanted to so badly. How she would follow others their and as a child tried to look over the walls and learn something. About how happy she was that when she had to flee her home and eventually came to Switzerland, was finally able to fulfill her dream and is now studying at the University of Geneva. Her story is so touching, one of the teachers brings in her younger students and Adiba tells her story again. They are very moved by what they hear and even start hugging Adiba.

This is a heart-warming example of the aims of our program Speak Truth to Power: to teach and touch pupils with the life stories of our activists, to become human rights defenders themselves.

The exhibition "Speak Truth To Power" is open to the public on Saturday, 26 March, from 2 to 4 pm. Registration at: