THE TIME FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IS NOW — Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation Switzerland


by Dr. Christoph A. Karlo

Dear Supporters and Friends of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation Switzerland,

As we gather with loved ones to celebrate this special season of hope and compassion, I find myself reflecting upon the world's current state and the pressing need for our shared commitment to human rights. In these challenging times, I am reminded of the enduring legacy of Robert F. Kennedy and the importance of our collective efforts to uphold the principles of tolerance, justice, and dignity for all.

Across the globe, our world faces an array of crises, conflicts, and wars that threaten the very essence of human rights. We witness suffering and injustice on a scale that calls for unwavering resolve and compassion. Yet, amid these challenges, we also find countless individuals and communities who demonstrate resilience, courage, and a relentless pursuit of a more just and peaceful world.

It is in this context that I am humbled and inspired by the steadfast support of our followers and donors like you. Your dedication to the cause of human rights fuels our mission and allows us to make a tangible difference. Together, we stand as a beacon of hope, advocating for those whose voices are often drowned out by the noise of conflict and oppression.

As we come together to celebrate this season of goodwill and unity, let us remember that the essence of the holiday spirit is not confined to borders or boundaries. It transcends political divides and speaks to our shared humanity. It is a reminder that the principles of tolerance, justice, empathy, and respect should guide our actions every day, not just during the holiday season.

In the spirit of giving and compassion, I invite you to join us in making a difference. Your support has been instrumental in our efforts thus far, and I ask for your continued generosity as we work tirelessly to address the urgent needs of those affected by crises and conflicts around the world.

This holiday season, consider making a year-end donation to the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation Switzerland. Your contribution will help us empower advocates, protect the vulnerable, and promote lasting change in the pursuit of human rights. Together, we can make a brighter and more peaceful world a reality for all.

In closing, let us remember the timeless words of Robert F. Kennedy: "Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope." Together, we can create a tidal wave of hope and progress.

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful and joyous holiday season, and thank you for continuously supporting our shared mission.

With gratitude and warmest regards,

Dr. Christoph A. Karlo
President of the Board of Trustees

Please make your year-end donation using the button below.

Thank you.

Photo creator: manhhai | Credit: AP
