Paul Brandus predicts new US President

Only a few days before this year’s presidential elections in the Unites States, Paul Brandus - White House Correspondent and Award-Winning Author - took the time to talk to us exclusively about these upcoming elections.

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According to Brandus, there was a clear indication that Joe Biden would become the United States’ 46th President. He walked the international audience - with people not just tuning in from Switzerland but also the US, Germany and The Netherlands - through several statistics and datasets, while explaining the numbers.

Back in 2016 Donald Trump was seen as this successful businessman from the TV series “The Apprentice” and many voted for him because he was the much-esteemed political outsider many people were longing for, not in the least in comparison to established Hillary Clinton. But in the four years Donald Trump was in office, he managed to divide the nation even more. According to Brandus Americans have seen attacks on free press, human rights violations and several cases of corruption. This is not the American way. Reporters should not be called enemies of the country. Many Americans fear that with four more years of Trump, the situation may worsen.

According to Brandus, the Corona crisis also played a major role in this election campaign. Many people are critical of Trump’s (lack of) policy with regard to the pandemic. This may even be a decisive topic for the upcoming elections, because without it, Trump - thanks to positive economic developments before the corona crisis - could probably have maintained his business savvy image which many Americans admire. This in turn could have given him an advantage over Joe Biden.

Another interesting point Brandus predicted was the upcoming transition period after the elections. Brandus expected that Trump will not easily concede, should he lose the election. Which would of course lay a heavy burden on the next Presidency. He even hinted at the possibility of Trump not conceding at all.

Today we know who the 46th President of the United States is and that Brandus’ predictions were correct. Today we can confirm that Trump does not want to accept his defeat - again, as predicted.

It was an historic election. No doubt about it.